The development program objectives are to foster excellence, variety, freedom of access and independence in our teaching and learning processes. Specifically contributions will:

Reduce fees for those with need
In order to remain a school of all the talents, O.M.A would like to be able to take more children here irrespective of the family's means.

Improve and conserve O.M.A's school premises
O.M.A's excellence depends on the variety as well as the quality of what it provides. The school wishes to offer the best classroom, sports and arts facilities to students.

3 libraries house collections of international importance that would be well-used by both students and by teachers. The school needs financial support to maintain and enhance this important resource appropriately.

Support good teaching
O.M.A is committed to providing the highest quality teaching over a broad range of subject. The development fund seeks to endow teaching positions and subject areas.

Other than academics, at O.M.A we encourage students to excel in the arts as well as sports. We would like endow both these departments to train their students to achieve their ultimate potential.

If you would like to make a contribution to the campaign, please contact us
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